Thursday, November 30, 2006
Miss hearing from all of you.......
Hello dear friends......
Haven't heard from anyone in a little while. It always is so wonderful to receive comments from people about my blog and about your feelings about art, nature, beauty, etc. Hope to hear from you soon!! It always lifts my spirits to read your wonderful thoughts!!
Have a beautiful day!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Wonder and daydreaming
What happens to our tears when they fall?
Do birds gather them up and take them to God?
When the wind blows through your hair, is that the language of heaven?
When a flower grows, does it talk to the soil and the rain?
When we sleep, do the children from the memories of our childhood come and talk with us?
How is it that children are able to look at people for so long and not be embarassed?
What happens to adults to make them forget how to be a child?
Between sleeping and waking, what is that place we find ourselves in, that makes us feel like our dreams are so real?
Cats and children......they can look right through you, but aren't they really looking at you......
who you really are?
Why is it that clouds make us feel so happy and comforted?
What is more see the ocean or see someone smile?
If you were asleep in a beautiful garden, what kind of flowers would you want to be near?
Walking in the woods on a quiet, beautiful day, what would be the song that you would create of your very own?
I hope we will listen to the children around us and really hear the beauty and wisdom that they speak with. And I hope we will listen to the child within us and let that child be alive and happy in us as well. How wonderful to be a child.
So happy to share my art!

Monday, November 27, 2006
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Friends, Memories, Paris and Souls

(the picture above)
"the night's eyes talk to me as if it were
dreaming from it's soul".
This card speaks to me of gallentry and beauty,
of dreaming, wondering, traveling in one's
imagination to other beautiful places. "Hidden
in the garden, in the deep and breathtaking
woods, the enchanted princess found her
secret place to dream and left her winter land of
waiting, to find the garden she had remembered
from her beautiful childhood".
(the picture right)
This is a beautiful little chair that I made called "Isabella Loved Paris". I love this little chair so much. It is very delicate and pretty, made with so many wonderful details......thin, curled wire and tiny wild clematic tendrils, very old lace and fabric, handwritten words, tiny petals from larkspur flowers......when I see this sweet little princess throne, I think of traveling to Paris and living in a little cottage on a wonderful bohemian, artistic street where there are old shops filled with interesting books and amazing creations, restaurants where people would rather stay and talk and eat wonderful food, than go home. When I see this little chair, I think of when I was a little girl, running along the ocean's waves and sleeping on the sand. Even then, I think I was dreaming of going to Paris. I know there is something about this enchanted, historical place that will someday fill my heart with incredible wonder and joy!! This little chair took me to Paris and I loved my dreams and my imagination.
(the left)
"Friends and Memories".....this painted photo collage is very special to me. I loved working on it. It was definitely a wonderful process to go through to create this picture. A small antique rabbit and a discarded lion toy became adventures for me into my wonderful childhood memories. I had a blissful, happy childhood.....we lived by the sea and dwelled in a tiny, funny cottage that had rooms that waundered this way and that. The ceilings were odd as well as the stairway. I remember falling asleep on the couch while my mother and father would play jazz and classical music with their other musician and artist friends long into the night. I would be half-sleeping, half listening to their happy laughter and talking, reminiscing and singing.
In this picture are little momentos of my childhood......the little black ice skate was from a tiny German doll that I had as a little girl. My mother had bought me three little German musician dolls, but one day our dog chewed one of them and the little black skate remained by itself. Velvet flowers, a tiny glass bottle with a jeweled top, pretty coiled wire, a green patinad metal leaf crown......all precious objects that I cherish and hold on keep my heart gentle and child-like. Painting this picture and adding oil pastels made me think of every colour, every kind of artistry and music......colour blends all creativity in it, all gestures of beauty and expression.
This picture reflects the beauty I see in this life, this the souls of people around me and of those who I do not know but see and observe with great admiration and appreciation.
Art can help us admire others and feel gratitude for their being alive and present in our lives.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Wend the Wind

Thursday, November 23, 2006
In God's land, the flying sunrays touch the trees hands and feet with winter rain. God walks along Russian rivers, singing to the nightengales and the little children who play on the river sand. God hides tiny presents for the Chinese swallows. He hides them in the magnolia blossoms in the wintertime. Summer he waits. When the comet from the tidal waves.....streaks into view in our summer skies, God lights his candles in the church of the forest. God sings in his church. God dances in his church. God lives in his church, called the Universe. His children are every living thing you and I see. The stars watch God every night and sing lullabyes to him as he smiles upon the world.
God is ever kind. He is always mindful of us and his raccoons. He loves his deer. He loves those who love his deer. Each day God's prayers are held within glass memories, as he watches us and waits for us to send him a letter.
l l l l l l l l l l l l l l
I wonder if God ever dreams . . . .
I wonder if God dances sometimes.
I wonder if God comes to us at night
when we are sleeping
and sits by us as we dream . . . .
does he travel to other planets . . . .
other galaxies?
can he talk to the birds?
can he heal a deer who has fallen?
I know God loves horses . . . . he runs wildly
with them when a storm begins.
God lays on the grass and watches the clouds
move furiously about, creating a new picture for him.
he walks sometimes . . . . quietly thinking of all the
river stones and the leaves that flutter and fall
before winter.
God's eyes are filled with the universe.
In his eyes are all the creations he has made.
His hands have within them all the mornings he created,
all the black nights
he flung across the sky.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Saturday, November 18, 2006
Live in a Fairytale World

Monday, November 13, 2006
Life is curious and beautiful

Friday, November 10, 2006
Beautiful Little Fairy Furniture

Dreams of a Beautiful Life

Thursday, November 09, 2006
Childhood Inspirations

Tuesday, November 07, 2006
The Fairy Castle

Monday, November 06, 2006
Fairytale world of dreams

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