Friday, December 01, 2006

Beautiful Cards Available

These are some of the pretty cards that I of my photography and paintings. The next post will have cards of my little fairy furniture. Actually, everything on my website is available as a card or print. Check for more information on my website about prices, etc. My website address is: The first card here is of happy little friends visiting on a beautiful day. The next card is of another happy little group of friends talking about the new red bike!! The third card is of one of my paintings....."The Fairies Live in the Treehouse" The fourth card is of an imaginary room filled with beauiful things!! The fifth card is of a painting I did called "Travels to Paris". The sixth card is of a painting I did, being inspired by Van Gogh. The seventh card is of one of my photographs.....a beautiful scene of teacups and flowers. The last card is of one of my photographs.....teacups and flowers in a different way. I hope you will visit my website soon to see all the beautiful works that are available as cards and prints!! Have a beautiful, wonderful day!! Debbie

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