i don't talk very much about what i think of feel or dream about, so i am going to share with you some things that i think about......
* i don't like riding horses, don't like seeing people ride horses; i also feel brokenhearted when i see horses pulling carts for people.....strapped in with a million belts and their spirit as low as the ground that they are walking on....
(horses have the most beautiful spirit, the most Godlike, childlike, free, intelligent and amazing spirit......why should we demean them like we do?) Let them run free and happy like they used to......
* i feel that one of the most important, sacred and crucial things we must do is to take better care of all the beautiful children of the world. How tragic and hearbreaking, too, are the millions of children all over the world whose lives are torn and saddened by poverty, loneliness and fear. Children should be able to help lead our world, share their genius, bring our hearts back to kindness, goodness, love and joy. More than anything, I wish I could do more to help children. They need us and we need them. Why are we just letting them suffer???
* Nature is beautiful. I love going for walks and listening the quiet language of the forest or sitting by the sea and feeling how vast the waters are. I wish we could do more to take care of the earth. There are so many beautiful flowers and trees, little birds and animals who need our help.
* I love how there are people in the world who really care about what is important. People, people's feelings and dreams, the earth, animals, nature. There are so many people in the world that do the most amazing, extraordinary things for other people. I am so grateful for those people, their good souls and hearts.
* I love someone who has a sense of humor. People are so funny sometimes. There are many wonderful things that make me smile.....
The video/idea of "Free Hugs".....seen on Youtube
"Star Wars according to a three year old" on Youtube
* I loved "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, "Tales of Desperaux", "The Duchess" (although I thought it was terribly, terribly sad).
* I am hopeful for our country. I think things can get better, but on the other hand, everything seems to be falling apart. I cannot believe so much money has been given to people who really don't seem to deserve it. So many companies are failing, so many people are losing their jobs. It is unbelieveable. I just think that everyone needs to be thoughtful of others and to help anyone they can. We all need to realize that it is a very difficult time for everyone, so we need to be understanding.
Well, I will write more later. I would love to hear from anyone!! I miss getting comments on my blog, so feel free to share your comments. I am so grateful to have a blog; it is my lifeline to the world, not the only one, but a very important one!!
The pictures above are from different sites I've found. So many beautiful pictures; they truely inspire me!!