I look forward every day so much to searching the internet to find beautiful art, fashion, design, photography, etc. I amazes me to find such incredibly beautiful and breathtaking creativity; it touches my heart so much. There is such beauty and sweetness and sensitivity in the world. We should never think that the world is a terrible place. On the contrary, our world is filled with lovely things.......beauty that can free our minds and hearts of any suffering or unhappiness because this beauty lifts our spirits to a heavenly, wonderful place!! Thank you all of you who share this incredible beauty!
Here is a list of where I found these wonderful photographs:
Hotze Eisma
Taverne Agency
Sandra Lane
Sa Marraine La Fe
Rebecca Rueger
Peter Hollinghurst
Lynn Barron's blog
Sa Source Aux Bois blog
La Mule de Paper blog
Katya de Grummond
Katherine Dunn's blog
End of March blog
Driftwood Shack blog
Dame Belette
Arjaan Hamel
Amy Hanna
Have a wonderful Sunday!