Sunday, November 17, 2013

The quiet day.......

sundays are so quiet and peaceful. i really appreciate the calmer feeling of sundays, when people are rushing about less and sitting at home, reading or talking to one another. i wish every day could be a little more peaceful, don't you?
we are working on our book about our fairy furniture and houses. we are so excited that we will finally have a real book about our art.....actually published!! it should be out in the spring of next year. it will be about how to make our nature art and i really think it will be a beautiful and very unusual book! so happy about it.
i hope you'll be able to take time out today to rest and to do something that makes you happy. that's so important. have a wonderful day! would love to hear from you......
these breathtakingly pretty photographs are from tumblr......
and others
the last painting is my very favorite! it is so pretty and delicate and gentle. it expresses who i am the most.

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