Tuesday, January 10, 2012

So many beautiful pictures I had forgotten.......

Hello everyone......I was having trouble uploading pictures from my computer last night and was so worried; couldn't figure out what was wrong. I even left a comment on Blogger forum. But, everything seems to be fine now, so I can post pictures from my computer again!! But, what's interesting is that the only way I could upload pictures last night was through my Picasa web albums or from my blog (which I had not done before), so when I clicked on "upload from my blog"......it brought up hundreds and hundreds of wonderful pictures that I had posted before on my blog. I've been on Blogger for four years I think so I've posted a lot of photos, so I was so excited to see some of the pictures I had posted in the last four years.....that I had forgotten all about. I don't usually go back and look at my posts that often, especially ones from years ago, so it was really wonderful to see these besautiful pictures again. I will post the links for these pictures as soon as I can (if I can find them). These pictures are pretty old so will have to do a lot of searching. (Oh by the way, the picture of the woman with the white hat is me!! That's a little piece of my fairy furniture on top of my hat. The hat is very old.....I love it; it's one of my favorite antique hats).

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