Monday, November 24, 2008

TV commercial on our movie airing on Martha Stewart, can anyone tape it for us?

Hello everyone!!
We are very excited because we are having a TV commercial that we had made about our new movie "The Enchanted Treehouse" aire during Martha Stewart's evening show. It will be showing this week (starting today!!) and next week, each day, Monday through Friday. Her show starts at 8 p.m and goes to 9 p.m. We would need someone to record her entire show for us (on a video or dvd) so that we can see our commercial on her show. We would tape it ourselves, but we don't have cable tv. Her show is on the "Fine Living" channel, a Comcast cable channel.
If you get Martha Stewart's show and would be willing to tape her show for us, sometime this week (as soon as possible would be wonderful), we would be very grateful. We can pay for the postage to send the video or dvd and also send you a free copy of our movie.
It is called "The Enchanted Treehouse". It's a wonderful movie and very exciting, charming and unusual. You can find out more about it on our new website at:
Please contact me as soon as possible if you can record her show for us!! Thanks so much!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your visit to Thatchwick cottage. I am so glad you popped in for now I have found your most enchanting, beautiful and unusual blog! I think the story of your and your husband's success reads like a fairy story too - but I know all about 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration! I wish I could see the TV commercial on Martha. Sadly I live too far away for that!
