Sunday, March 04, 2007

living on top of a hat.......


  1. It's not so easy to invent some peice of dreams ! Cheer because your visions make me happy :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sorry :
    read "piece" instead of "peice"...

  4. Anonymous10:32 AM

    What a lovely piece - an easter bonnet with fairy's on it! In regards to my 'Russian Fairytale' paintings post today, I had an old article on her work that I found recently - isn't she amazing...? I am in awe of people who can paint anything from their imagination - not a talent I have... Lovely posts here recently, and I see you are getting more visitors! Happy day to you Debbie! Hugs...

  5. I love your little furniture pieces...they make me smile and I love seeing so many photos of your lovely art.
    Did you see my post on the furniture that I bought some years ago?...Do you think it could be some you made? That would be amazing :)Here is a direct link to that post.

  6. Hi Mo'a,

    Thank you so much for your sweet comments!! No, the furniture in your post wasn't mine, but it's cute. I am glad that you like my little furniture. I love your art, too!!

  7. Yes, I can see that the style is different...thought perhaps it had changed over the years :)
    So now I need to get some of you have them in your Esty store? I will go look :)
